Appreciating Almighty Allah

Afghan Voices
1 min readSep 17, 2020


A poem by Sharifa A.

I didn’t exist at all
Not on earth nor in any other world
You thought of creating me
That’s why first you created a fairy to take care of me
Her name is mother
Then you brought the feeling of motherhood, sympathy, kindness, loyalty
Creating and nourishing me in her womb
Through this beautiful fairy you took care of me for nine months

Then you decided to send me in this world
I came to this world with tears in my eyes
I don’t know if these were tears of happiness or sadness
Perhaps tears of fear about this world

It was not my decision where to come down
It was chance as to which family and country
I didn’t have liberty about my birth

You created me with uniqueness
Beautiful face, shiny eyes and healthy body
You gave me the best family in this world
You opened golden doors of opportunities
You surrounded me with great people

Thanks Almighty Allah for all your greatness



Afghan Voices

Writing by Afghan writers. Editor/Publisher: Nancy Antle; Editor: Pamela Hart