Colorless Peace
A poem by Nematullah A.
I had a color for peace
They changed it
They changed it to red
It is not my color for peace
My color for peace was blue
Blue like the sky
Oh no, they changed sky’s color
They made that red too
By drones flying
I choose tree as color
They even shot the tree
My sky is not safe
The tree is not alive
I chose more colors and more
Now I have no color for peace
I have a colorless peace
Like the water
Flowing in the sea
In the ocean
No border around me
I don’t invite you to be alike
Colorless and boundless
Colorless as water
Boundless as ocean
Yet peace needs to be colorful
For me peace has become colorless
I’m not accepted by you
In my own home
In the prison
On my courtyard and street
In your place too
This makes life colorless
However, I am pleading to the world
Mothers need colors
Children need toys
I am pleading to my generation
Let us make the world colorful
Abolish the weapons
Feel the love
Keep humanity
Spread friendship
Because sometimes the boundless ocean storms