Daykundi Girls
By Azizullah Rasikh
Translation by Asadullah Jafari “Pezhman”
Where are you, Daykundi’s pretty girls?
Where are you, the Nili blue light?
In the competition field of lessons and sports
Where are you, the Shahristan girl lion?
I am proud of you, girl of Kajran
Where are you, the beautiful girl of Khadir?
I cherish and adore your two beautiful eyes
Where are you, Bandari’s Fairy?
You are the survivors of the Shirin generation of Hazara
Where are you, lion daughter of Pato?
Your two lashes are the same Scorpion bite
Where are you, Oh! Nawimshian cute girl?
You are proud of the village and country
Where are you, Miramurian tall girl?
Your braveries are spoken of often
Where are you Ashtarli’s daughter’s flower?
Where are you, Kati’s Tooth oysters?
Daykundi is known as Heaven of Al-Hazara.