Don’t Kill Hazara People

Afghan Voices
2 min readJun 6, 2022


by Zaki

Don’t kill us we are humans
We have rights
To study
To think

We have the energy to rebuild Afghanistan
We have the aim to make our future
We are about to be removed from our homeland
We are about to be dropped from our country
Kicked out of our homes

This is intolerable
Our elders are jobless
Children can’t study
Girls can’t get an education
Schools closed for them
Universities limited for them
They can’t walk or talk freely
Or go sightseeing
They’re trapped in their houses like captives

This year is a disaster
This year is a nightmare
Families don’t have food
Children don’t have clothes
Mothers asking for money
Fathers begging on the street

Hazara people are being killed systematically
They are not safe in mosques
Clubs, educational centers
Unsafe in the bazaar, the wedding hall
The shopping mall
At schools, universities, even in our homes

There is no desire for youth, no hope for kids
No comfort for elders
No food
No hobby
No job
No hope
No moon to light the gloomy city

There’s no way to leave Afghanistan
No place secure
No wings to fly
No power to challenge
No negotiator to negotiate
No adviser to advise
No instructor to instruct

Only God knows what we are doing
How we are suffering
What is going on here
And how we are passing days and nights

I call on you the human rights’ supporters
Where are you now?
Come here to know how Hazara are being targeted
There’s no media to raise our voice
No reporter to report on our pains
There is no TV to reflect that Hazara are not culprits
No one to take our hands
We can light candles for other nations
We don’t have prejudice
We just want knowledge
Please stop killing us



Afghan Voices

Writing by Afghan writers. Editor/Publisher: Nancy Antle; Editor: Pamela Hart