Imagine If Women Were Equal
A poem by Gulchaman
Woman is stoned in my homeland
Such a huge disaster
Her nose slashed
She is killed and her body
Burned — like Farkhunda
Woman is stoned in my homeland
Acid splashed on her face
Her school ignited
The water is poisoned
Such a disaster
Woman is stoned in my homeland
Banned from getting an education
Respected in other countries
Disrespected in my homeland
Woman is under control of man
Can’t leave her home
without his permission
Harassed in the streets
Whether young or old
Woman is called servant
housekeeper in my homeland
Good only for cleaning, cooking, washing
Woman’s groans are audible
in every corner of Afghanistan
Bruises are visible
Broken hands are visible
Earth and sky witness
woman’s suffering and pain
Woman is stoned in my homeland
She sometimes prays for death
Her life is brutal
Forced to marry as a child
Forced to wear veil
Hijab, chador
Her rights given to her brother
Later as wife
Woman’s rights are stolen
by her husband and in-laws
Woman is stoned in my homeland
Such a disaster
Imagine if women were free as men
Imagine no cruelty against woman
Sister, mother, wife with pens and books
Equal to man
Let her be free
To be educated
To choose her lifestyle
To live and breathe freely
Woman is stoned in my homeland
Such a huge disaster