In the Name of Looking for Goodness
A Poem by Farhad
In the name of looking for goodness
Not man, nor woman is looking
But a human is looking
Looking from deep darkness
Darkness of war, inequality, misery
Poverty, illiteracy
A human is looking
A hopeless Afghan is looking for
Rising sun, shining moon
In the deep, pernicious silence of night
A human is looking for
Peace, reconciliation, justice
Food, education,
An innocent child of Afghanistan is looking
Forward to going to school without fear
Fear of monsters
Monsters who kill them due to schooling
An Afghan mother is looking
To a day of sleeping without fear
Fear of the death of her husband, son, and daughter
A poor man is looking
To the day he can work
Feed, care for and educate his children
We are looking
Humans are looking
An Afghan is looking
Farhad is looking for
The day of glory, justice, improvement
The day when our three-color flag
is an example
A model
Of liberty, power and honor