Mother of All Bombs*
A poem by Nematullah A.
I can only send you my smiles
But you send rifles across miles
Don’t send me a rifle
When you could send a pen
See how I will try to gain
Something from what’s left of this game
Reminding you of the pain
Come see me again and again
The guns you send are in vain
Don’t drop the ‘Mother of All Bombs’
My mother is beautiful and calm
Most mothers are kind
She raised me
A bomb with her name is no joke
Her name is the name of peace
Let’s update the peace
Remember, you & I are just a small piece
Guns are not the answer
Bombs are illusive
Love is how we should seek peace
*Comment from Nematullah: “I wrote this poem as a response to Trump’s dropping of the ‘Mother of All Bombs’ on Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan on April 12, 2017. The Trump administration insulted mothers and mother-earth by naming this bomb ‘Mother’ and using it on mother-earth.”