Open Your Eyes

Afghan Voices
2 min readNov 19, 2018


A Poem by Gulchaman

Sun over Kabul

Open your eyes
Life is beautiful
Watch the sea, river
lake and waterfall
They roll and flow for you
Let your eyes listen too
as the waves come and go

Open your eyes
Watch the elegance
of the world
Birds sing
for you
Understand the beauty
of your life
The trees and grass
that grow
The flowers that bloom
All are in your life

Open your eyes
Breathe deeply
At night brilliant stars
shine for you
Clouds make snow and rain
Innumerable proofs
and reasons
to make you smile
Focus on the positive points
Even a glass of water
is a blessing

Open your eyes
See the sun rising
sharing its brilliance
for your enjoyment
Reminding you about sacrifice
and the need for mercy

Smile like children
They live carefree
Experience happiness
A smile is inexpensive
Share yours with everyone

Forget about despair
and sadness
There are mountains
to hike that will bring a smile
Look at nature
How calm and controlled
Follow it and be calm

Follow your dreams and hopes
There are others
who followed theirs
You can too!
Consider your wishes
Set your goals
Life will be pleasant

Open your eyes
Without your dreams
Life would be desperate

Open your eyes
This one life is beautiful
Open your eyes



Afghan Voices

Writing by Afghan writers. Editor/Publisher: Nancy Antle; Editor: Pamela Hart