Voting for Hope
A poem by Amir S.
Once upon a time I checked all the boxes
I thought voting meant change
Believed things would get better
I participated in demonstrations
Paraded peacefully
Till the marches turned dangerous
And the government started shooting
Destroying my imagination
When I walk through the city
Politicians’ posters and mottos
Call me to vote
Photos of faces plastered on banners
Draped across trees, cars and Facebook
But there’s nothing about issues
Or the problems in our lives
Politics like a clock
Keeps tick-tocking
It’s only about power and money
They take risks with our lives
Knowing things will turn out bad
I don’t like politics much
They are gone like discarded tissue
Once I voted
Soon I noticed
How it’s all worthless
Our leaders are careless
They forget what they promised
Still we always forgive
We are so merciful
They promised us peace
My friend voted
May he rest in peace
I still vote
They still pledge
I still hope
We still…