We Will Change History
A Poem by Hakim F.
We will change history
Even if under our feet
It is paved with mines
Even if the way to school
Is filled with rockets, bullets and stones
We will change history
Even if they cut our fingers and
Noses with razors
And cut off our heads
We will rise up again
We are a generation
Of knowledge and peace
We will change history
with a more determined
Intention this time
Even if they destroy
Our homes
Make us feel so sad
We hang our heads
Even if they cut our lips
And tongues
Burn our children in a
Fire of gunpowder and grenades
We will rise up again
Sprout firmly
Like a solid willow tree
Born from knowledge and ability
Yes, even if they turn
Educational centers
Into blood and ashes
We will rise up again
Like wind,
Sharp and fast
Stronger than ever
With cut off lips and tongues
With broken hands and feet
With withered up noses
And throats
Pen in hand
Pen in mouth
If necessary
We will hold the pen
With our feet
We will write the history
More beautifully
Apart from gunpowder
Grenades and blood
We will write it anew.